Sunday, June 30, 2013

Listen up!

It has come to my attention that some of you have been talking about me and spreading some information that is untrue. Every once in a while I get messages on my PERSONAL Facebook account from people wanting to discuss feet, sometimes mine specifically, in an erotic or fetish like manner. Every time I have to tell them that I have no interest in feet as objects of desire. Generally these people are middle aged men that are much older than me. This also raises the second disclosure that I apparently need to address. So, here are the two rumors that I apparently need to dispel. The first: I have absolutely zero interest in feet as sexual/erotic objects. In my mind they are simply a very important part of my body that I have a respect for and try to treat well. People ask me if I feel "powerful" or "cool" or "hot" and the answer is always no. I simply feel comfortable. I go barefoot because it is healthy and because I like to. It has no deeper meaning to me, no symbolism, no protest, no erotic nature, it's simply a lack of shoes and the natural way. Still, people will find my personal account and ask me these fetish sounding questions and let me announce this publicly for all to see, I do not have a foot fetish and it honestly makes me very uncomfortable when people talk to me as if I do. If you have a foot fetish that's your business, and that's fine, but please, know that I do not view the foot with any sexual connotation at all. It's simply what I use to move. The second issue: Due to the fact that the people messaging me in this way are almost always middle aged males, I suspected there might be some speculation that I was gay, but I'm used to that in the real world anyway. I was just informed today that there has been some discussion about me and some of you actually have come to the compulsion that I am gay. This is something I'm used to, but let me take this opportunity to say that I am a firm supporter of gay rights and marriage equality and have many close gay friends. I believe the state has no place to outlaw recognition of the love of two consenting adults and that love in all it's forms is a thing of beauty. With that said I am a heterosexual. The fact that I support marriage equality means I believe in love over law. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. So here's the simple version, I like being barefoot, but don't have a foot fetish, I support marriage equality, but am straight. If you've messaged me this way, know that I have no negative feelings toward you, but that is not who I am and please respect that. Thanks folks!


  1. What I think about it? Current civilization world is strange.

    1. Gay boy myself thanks for your support gay or straight barefoot is awesome and natural

  2. I fully agree, I am sick of the fetishists trying to "hijack" what we do because they get off on it, and are really hurting our cause just to be free and comfortable. This gives skeptics a reason to dismiss us as a bunch of weirdos. I never heard of this when I was going barefoot everywhere during the 1970s and up until the age of the internet. Even adult magazines of that time that dealt with fetish subjects always seemed to revolve around some extreme and outlandish footwear. I guess the internet brought out an entire other subculture I was not aware of, and they really need to lay a bit lower, so that the general public does not dump all barefooters into one category.

    1. Unfortunately they're not going to lay low, in fact they're gonna continue to speak out behind anonymous accounts until they run all good people like this kid here off the internet, and all that's left will be fetish videos and gay porn instead of honest stuff like this.

      You're correct in saying the internet is largely to blame. It gives perverts (as well as pedophiles) an outlet to anonymously reach out to kids and trick them into entertaining the disgusting things they're into by way of "challenging" them to do things that the kid may not realize is a fetish.

      Notice how none of the individuals he politely posted this message to apologized to him. Instead, they further accused him of being the same type of sexual deviant that they are, and continued harassing him with disgusting, homoerotic comments about his body and feet. That right there says everything you need to know about these people.

  3. Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

    Having said that, perhaps people would take you more seriously if you actually did engage in activism/legal action on behalf of bare feet instead of just walking around barefoot and posting pictures of your feet all over the Internet. (And no, making little posters or posting rants on your Facebook page do not count as activism.) What happened with that store/restaurant that gave you grief when you tried to buy lunch? Did you organize a protest against them? Did you take legal action on the basis of the fact that you were physically assaulted by their employee? Half the time you post things on here and then disappear for months at a time, leaving everyone wondering how the situation was ever resolved or where you've disappeared to.The fact is that people mistake you for having an erotic interest in feet because you don't present anything much of a serious nature beyond engaging in what amounts to exhibitionist behavior with regard to your own feet, and that sort of thing is understandably and easily misunderstood as sexual by many people. You may not have an erotic interest in feet, but you certainly do have an obsession with them.

    I watched a video that was posted online of your brother singing a song, and the next thing I knew, there you were, lying on a bed in front of him, waving your feet around the camera frame (and in his face). What did that have to do with his singing? What did it do with any activism on behalf of bare feet in public places? What did it have to do with wanting to be comfortable and thus not wearing shoes? It was pure exhibitionism. It was pure, "Look, look, everyone, look at me!" . . . even when the video had nothing to do with feet or with you! You can hardly blame people if they misunderstand and misinterpret such behavior.

    I am a middle-aged gay man (you seem to be particularly horrified by the interest of middle-aged men), who, for the record, does not find your feet or you to be the least bit attractive, either physically, intellectually, or emotionally. As for your support of gay rights, good for you. It is possible, however, to support legal equality and still harbor homophobic attitudes, something that happens with many straight males the moment someone mistakes them for gay.

    I had a friend who was often upset that he was mistaken for a Republican (he was a Democrat), and I finally told him that people wouldn't mistake him for a Republican if he stopped acting like one. The moral of the story, my young friend, is that if you want to stop people from perceiving you a certain way, then perhaps you should examine how it is that you are presenting yourself to people.

  4. I think you are obsessed with barefeet. i am an avid barefooter and have no desire to show off my feet or post them all over the internet. If you are a barefooter just go barefoot and don't make such a big deal about it.

    1. I'm not sure where this belief comes from. I believe it is unfair that people without shoes are treated differently and often refused service, I think it is silly that the societal perception of bare feet is that they are filthy and dangerous. Posting these pictures is simply a way of challenging that perception through images that might be jarring to some. That is the goal. Many folks compare me to the barefoot guy in Dual Survival. Is he obsessed with bare feet? I don't get that impression from him, but he chooses to go barefoot everywhere and uses it as a tool to demonstrate the fact that shoes are not necessary. If you ask any of my friends, I almost never mention my shoelessness unless asked.

    2. There's a difference between you and this kid.

      You're just a barefooter by your own account, whereas he's an activist barefooter. Therefore he's obligated to post results of his activism in living without shoes, whether it be in text, photo, or video form.

      It's pretty sad he's got more perverts and people like you telling him how to live his life instead of supporters. That's society for ya.

  5. Ok let me just say different strokes for different folks or something like that. I don't really like labels when it comes to sexual proclivities, but I like male bare feet but not really gay, don't like dick at all not erotic or sexy, just so you know, Never thought you were gay at all, something about you that just says hetero if I have to use labels and never thought you had fetish for feet. Scientifically fetishes are with inanimate objections, body parts that get guys off are considered partial-ism. Just accept the fact that some guys and of course women are going to find you 'hot' and for some the fact that you go barefoot a lot just adds to hotness. Just post whatever you like and the i am not gay or have a foot fetish disclaimer is fine, that way everyone knows where you stand. For me I find the fact the you go barefoot in places like closed factories and other industrial sites pretty hot. Its unique, somewhat daring, and its an interesting hobby, the barefoot aspect just gives it a big edge. You could make it into some type of reality show.

  6. The reason why older men may find you attractive may be because of several factors. You are thin and very muscular and look very athletic. also you have nice long hair and it is definitely pretty sexy that you never wear shoes and have very tough feet that are nice to look at. I am a man in my late forties that is involved in a heterosexual relationship and never really was that attracted to men. I have to admit that I definitely find you very attractive and the fact that you are so fit looking and go completely barefoot everywhere is really hot! Did you ever model nude for an art class or do a nude layout? You probably look amazing naked. Face it Hayward, you are a really cute guy that looks great in your sweet barefeet!

    1. I don't mind that they do, in a way it's flattering. But when they continuously talk to me about it it can make me uncomfortable.I don't see that as inherently unreasonable. Thanks for the compliments. I only with more women felt that way haha!

  7. You have this barefoot site and post pictures of your incredibly tough feet because you want people to notice that you have tough and attractive feet. like some of the others that commented I am a middle aged man that finds you very hot!! the fact that you go barefoot 24/7 and can walk around an abandoned factory with no shoes is very impressive. I think you are so hot that if you asked me to, I would lick your beautiful barefeet!!! You have a really cute ass and look fantastic with no shirt on! I am totally turned on by you and your rock hard callused feet. Also, your feet are perfectly shaped and your toes are really cute!

    1. I'm not where you got the idea that I post pictures because I want people to like my feet. I post pictures both as proof of what I claim is true, and also to demonstrate the fact that life without shoes can still be full of adventure without constant injury. This is why I have this site. Whether you choose to believe that or not is your choice.

  8. Holy chrimany.
    Some of you guys are straight freaks.
    Go on a date with a broomstick or something.
    Anyhow, this kid isn't barefoot 24-7.
    His feet wouldn't be strangled & boney looking.
    When one goes without shoes for a year blood flow increases and people's feet don't look strangled.
    These guys are just whackjobs that spend half their time with foreign objects where the sun don't shine.

    1. While this behavior might appear strange, and trust me, it does to me too, it is who they are and that doesn't mean they are whack jobs. One shouldn't insult someone because of what they are into. That is their business. I tried to make it very clear that if that is who they are that's fine. I simply ask they not message me with their interests. Sort of a mutually respectful separation.

  9. I also do most of my explorations barefoot, for several reasons:
    - it's pleasant and comfy if your soles are used to it
    - do don't make any noise while walking, and before getting into the place if you're caught by the police, you can explain that nooooo, you weren't going to enter into the place because it's impossible to do so shoeless :oD
    - other explorers stare at you, which is quite funny
    - and, yes, sometimes there's a kind of challenge!

    I was happy to discover this blog because I felt that it wasn't that crazy nor dangerous to explore abandoned factories without heavy boots.

    1. This is the purpose for the blog, to challenge the perception that shoes are necessary and to report what it is like to live without shoes. This inevitably involves pictures as most reports have. They are simply there to reinforce this reality that shoes aren't necessary.

  10. Dear lord! I would really like to think that the majority of my viewers are simply interested in the barefoot lifestyle or want to learn how to do it...but I don't pay as much attention to this blog as I should, so what do I know?

  11. I bet this dude is into martial arts. I can totally picture him barefooted, throwing a kick to some guys head in a fight and knocking the dude unconscious with one lethal kick with his rock hard barefoot. Hayward rocks and so does his ASS KICKING BAREFEET!!!

  12. Just live your life. They are your feet. Have fun with them. It does not matter what other say. It matters what you say.

  13. Awesome pad development!

  14. I am a 47 year old male and barefooter for the last 30 years. I totally relate to you Hayward and frankly I don't care what people think of my barefeet when I am in a store or any other public place. I have had both men and women make sexual comments about my feet which didn't phase me at all and know of people I sometimes come across that have foot fetishes and are attracted to my feet. I guess after years of not wearing shoes I just don't care what people think or say anymore. I am also do yoga and meditate as a side note. If you are ever in New London,CT and see a barefoot guy, say hello. Live your life, do your thing and continue to go barefoot my friend!

  15. I am a middle aged man. I like going barefoot all the time and enjoy your website because of that. Keep posting. Love to here your next adventure. You are you! Don't let small minds offend you

  16. Don't worry about the small minded. Looking forward to tour next post.


  17. I know you haven't posted in a couple years. I just want to say that you've been an inspiration to me to ditch me shoes and transition to being barefoot. Thanks so much for keeping this up. I wish you could do an update.

  18. It looks like I stumbled across your blog too late. It was surreal to find another young man who had a similar natural outlook on life and also lived a natural lifestyle.

    I've started a little blog of my own, and I'm gonna dedicate it to people like you who made efforts like this to open minds and share it, and I won't let my efforts be ruined like yours unfortunately were.

    Hopefully you're still doing your thing in the real world. Stay natural, bruh.

    - Primal Instinks, The No Deo Duo

  19. Excellent article / answer. And I say the same. I have the pleasure to walk barefoot, because I do not have the pleasure of going in the shoes. And I'm doing it only for me, to feel on what I go, to feel the textures of Earth, Mother Nature. But NOT for the subject of fetisish. Who wants to get excited by licking bare feet (soles) to go elsewhere at "City-feet" for example. I'm at "Earthing" !
    Thanks for your understanding and I wish you all the best !

    Dinu, 58, Romania

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I think some of the anti-barefoot proprietors are probably closet foot fetish freaks and it may stir uncomfortable feelings within them when I enter their premises without shoes. They probably believe their fetish is universal and think they are protecting their customers every bit as much as preventing a topless woman from entering their establishment.

  22. Wow. Tough bunch. I see you as an attractive young man living your life the way you choose & visiting some interesting places. I am a middle aged man living in South Florida & enjoy being barefoot as often as possible. Just my personal choice. I don't push tge limits & usually wear flips90% of time which is now considered quite stylish. I honestly don't understand people's aversion to barefeet.. .. it should be a personal choice...end of story. That said, missed your posts the last few years & wondering what you are currently up to.. where living, career, etc. Hope you are continuing to do what makes you happy & comfortable. Forward current website or blog if you have one. All the best.

  23. I think that your account on X (Twitter) has been hacked. Also, you are 11 years older now since your last post.
    It would be interesting to see how age has changed, enhanced your perspective.
