Saturday, March 30, 2013

What I've Been Up to Lately

Photo heavy post...sorry...

Well folks, I had quite the up and down past few months. We had our crazy storms, Sandy and Nemo. My area was hit...but whenever people asked me how we did, I told them: "Better than New Jersey." Not exactly in good taste but very little of my humor is. Anyway, here are some pictures.

The storm came in phases, the tide came first, then a break, then the storm, and then high tide again. The storm passed and we went kayaking through the neighborhood by moonlight.

Exploring the aftermath was quite different. It was pretty trashed around town. 

 In the hardest hit section of my town, Misquamicut, I joined in on a cleanup day one of my high school classmates organized. 

On newyears eve, I set my record for the longest time in the snow. I was in the snow for eight hours making a snowman for my friends School. They were competing in the Rose Bowl. 

Nemo was quite eventful as well. Certainly less damage by far but with the lack of summer warmth. 

 Though the turning point was my spring break in the last week of February. I took a trip out to Stanford University and it was an absolute blast. Those crazy genuises taught me how to have fun again. Back from my vacation, I am now taking more classes than ever and happily working at my job. Sometimes what we need is a good vacation!

I also rode the plane barefoot...but I can't seem to find any pics around...but I'll see what I can do to locate it. Hopefully I'll find one.

Anyway, naturally I have been up to my old antics of urban exploration. I got to see some wonderful mills lately. I actually got to finally revisit the Potter Hill Mill. This place, I kid you not, is the single coolest and most dangerous mill I have ever had the pleasure to visit. In my area it is very uncommon for there to be any machines still in a mill. This one still has yarn on the looms. It is a superbly rare sight and an awful waste. Mismanagement aside, this place is unique in its beauty. 

Sorry for the photo heaviness of this post...but there has been quite a lot of things going on. The funny part is, I have barely scratched the surface of the events of the past few months. This however will do. 

Thanks for reading folks!

Barefooting is easy
Barefooting is good for you
Barefooting is NOT illegal
Join the revolution

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  1. 8 hours at snow without frostbite?You perhaps magic.Do you do some yoga?This is very special thing.I endure barefoot at snow only for some minutes because longer time I stop feel my feet.

    1. I don't do yoga. I do however do climbing and I remain quite active. Anyone can do it. It just takes time and training.

    2. Yes,and must be good body disposition too.It everybody haven´t.I can shower my feet of cold water,no problem I don't feel cold.At snow I don´t feel cold/freeze too but after some minutes I stop feel some toes and partions of feet and I can´t training it.The truth is that I haven´t stable organism function(very variable energy) and I have little muscle cramps on legs and feet.
      By the way I last year read about boy from the Germany who goes barefoot all year and he goes barefoot even at strong freeze minus 20°C without any problems.

  2. Yay that you are back again.
    Hope that you can elaborate on your plane travel. I have had slight concerns, since some insist on footwear.

    Very neat photography, and the Mill set is very beautiful with its machinery.

    Again, yay.

    Note, TOM's is this month.

  3. Great industrial photos. I want to explore without trespassing, is that even possible in our litigious society. Are there any clubs or meet up groups that do this sort of thing? I am intrigue with abandoned industrial and railroad sites.

    1. There are groups that do it. Mostly young folks. My father still does it, mostly solo and hes in his 60's. If you are caught you're better off older because people don't think you're are vandal. Also, having a big camera helps add some credibility to your case.

  4. In country in Europe where I live similar old objects which I know aren't accessible for public.These are sorrounded fence sometimes with inscriptions "no entry".Probably some local law due to preclude possible injuries.

    1. Yeah, almost all of the places we go to are "NO TRESSPASSING." We never let that stop us. We are not vandals, we are explorers. We are simply there to document.

    2. In country in Europe where I live, policemans not distinguish if somebody is vandal or explorer.Get over by fence is unlaw.Unauthorized person nothing to do there.

  5. When did you wear shoes for the last time? Are you allowed to be barefoot while working ALWAYS?
