Monday, January 30, 2012

A little update on my life

FINALLY IT SNOWED! I am so excited that snow finally came down! My Sophomore year has been far more active than last year which has lead to fewer posts.

I see many of you have been asking about the letter situation. The math teacher was courteous enough to accept my argument and allow me barefoot in the classroom. He was the first and hopefully last teacher of a class I participate in to challenge me.

The Gym issue remains unresolved. If and when the situation changes for better or worse I will keep you al l posted.

I have been working on a myriad of side projects lately that have also been consuming a large portion of my time. I have started a small business on Ebay (The Barefoot Press) buying and selling movable printing press type and various pieces from my studio (I am a graphics student and I frequently post some of the work that comes out of my studio here). I have also been making a lot of junk art, I have been really trying to reduce my footprint (on the environment) by creating lighting systems using reflection and attempting to buy less and create more.

This recent shift in attitude has lead to a tremendous increase in time spent in abandoned buildings and houses. I know how you folks like seeing pictures of me and the places my feet go so heres something that goes into my "its easy without shoes" campaign. A zero budget campaign composed of pictures of barefoot people and bare feet (which you are all welcome to submit into Eventually I am going to put them into a video spoofing the TOMS "its hard without shoes" slogan.

So without further delay: 

With that I have to get back to business I will post again when I can. 

But for now,

Barefooting is easy
Barefooting is good for you
Barefooting is NOT illegal
Join the revolution

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