We already know my feelings on the matter, so for those of you that are new I will sum it up for you.
I do not oppose the idea that children should have the choice to wear shoes if they so choose. I do believe they should come with warning labels, as any potentially hazardous product is required to have, but it is the dishonest and manipulative marketing technique that TOMS uses that is the most offensive and deplorable to me. It's Hard Without Shoes? False. I and all the other barefooters out there are living evidence that is false. The only thing hard about being without shoes is bigoted ignorant people that think bare feet are unhealthy or illegal. A belief organizations like TOMS foster in their flock.
It is no secret that one of my main slogans is "It's Easy Without Shoes!" This is meant to be in direct opposition with the TOMS line. I periodically post little photos or videos here and there showing the things bare feet can do, well it's time to put them all together. It's time to FILL a blogpost with images and videos showing just how strong bare feet can be. There will be some extreme examples here.
Barefooting is easy
Barefooting is good for you
Barefooting is NOT illegal
Join the revolution
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